Heirloom Tomato and Burrata Salad



Spring is upon us! Finally — colorful foods, sunshine, jogging outside, not wearing seven layers indoor and pounding tea like it’s your job! Spring. It’s a happy time. Especially for food. You finally can put away those hot soups, stews, chilis, pasta bakes, and switch to delicate salads, with myriad colors and sharp flavors. After getting off the plane from visiting Arizona, I went to Trader Joes to get my shopping out of the way and get things to make a quick dinner, and these mini-heirloom tomatoes just popped out at me.

Heirloom tomatoes are those super colorful, awkwardly shaped tomatoes at the market. They are special because they are ‘open-pollinated’ meaning they are pollinated by the wind or by animals, not human intervention. The seeds are also harvested and passed down to grow the next heirloom tomato plant. It’s not necessarily better, but has a different taste and a different look than regular tomatoes.

This salad has the bite from the tomatoes and parsley, and the creaminess from the burrata. Burrata is an italian cheese that is made of mozarella and cream, with the outside as a solid shell of mozarella and the inside as a soft mozarella-cream mix. It’s unnnnbelivably delicious. Creamy, delicate, and pretty affordable at $4.99 for two balls at Trader Joes.

This salad is a little different in that the tomatoes aren’t sliced, but cut into smaller pieces to allow more of your favorite olive oil to get into those nooks and crannies, and have the parsley and basil stick to each piece.Try this salad out for a quick appetizers, lunch, or even dinner in under 15 minutes.


Serve with sauteed baby zuchinni, cheese, kalamata olives, and a glass of red wine!

Heirloom and Burrata Salad

  • Difficulty: easy
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2 large heirloom tomatoes, or even better 1 container mini-heirloom tomatoes (you can find these at Trader Joes)
1 burrata ball
1 fistful parsley
1 fistful basil
Fresh/your favorite olive oil ~2-3 tablespoons

Cut up your tomatoes into small chunks, or into quarters if you have the mini-heirlooms. Place them on your plate. Then chop up the parsley and the basil coarsely, and put them on top of your tomatoes. Using your hands, mix together the tomatoes, parsley and basil. Then add 2 tablespoons of the olive oil and mix again. Salt and pepper to taste.

Make a well in the middle, and place your burrata ball there. Top with another 1 tablespoon olive oil evenly. Enjoy with thinly sliced baguette.

3 thoughts on “Heirloom Tomato and Burrata Salad

  1. Hi Mita,

    How are you? I love your blog and this recipe looks especially yummy for the summer! Thank you for sharing your creations with us even while you forge ahead on your Doctor journey.

    I’ve wanted to ask about how you and Tyler have negotiated eating preferences–you’ve been a life-long veg*n like I have, is that right? How about Tyler, did he eat meat growing up and how about since you’ve been together? He clearly seems to enjoy your wonderful veggie recipes! I’m always so curious to learn about how omnivore/herbivore couples manage their food choices.

    Thank you for your thoughts!


    • Hi! Thank you so much for commenting and reading the blog 🙂 That’s right, I’ve been a lifelong vegetarian and initially, Tyler wasn’t. He grew up eating meat, though not a lot of it so I think that made the transition for him easier (though I have distinct memories of him saying he missed bacon). Very early in our relationship he became a vegetarian. When he decided, he told me knew how much it meant to be (as I am an ethical vegetarian), and that he would try. That was around 9ish years ago — so it’s worked out nicely!


  2. That’s so interesting to hear, thank you so much for sharing, Mita. Would it be possible for me to get in touch with you to ask a few more questions? Thank you for the wonderful blog!


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